
This feature only applies to episodes with transcripts, which is a small number at this time.

Frederic Laloux with an invitation to reclaim integrity and aliveness much more ready than we think. And things could suddenly erupt. I’ll give you a fun fact that for me, just blew my mind. In France, you have this meditation app that you have in your iPhone or Android called Petit BamBou. It’s a subscription-based app. And I think it charges like five Euros a month. And t...more has like five million subscribers when in Europe the French speaking population is something like 70 million. Five million paid subscribers for a meditation app out of 70 million, next to hundreds of meditation modalities. I mean, that just blew my mind. **So I think there’s a lot more ground that has be...more
...he French speaking population is something like 70 million. Five million paid subscribers for a meditation app out of 70 million, next to hundreds of meditation modalities. I mean, that just blew my mind. **So I think there’s a lot more ground that has been prepared as a lot more people are getting to the en...more

Margaret Wheatley on leadership and Warriors for the Human Spirit

...e get angry, it's because something in us in us, me personally, was triggered. It's not that anger exists in the situation. So we do a lot of work on meditation, and learning to know our triggers, so that we can go into these places of conflict and heartbreak and, and not be undone by them, not fall apart. Th...more
...n some corporations, some corporate leaders started learning to meditate. One of them was the CEO of Monsanto. And at the time, my colleague was in a meditation group in which he was part of this - this is just when they are coming up with Roundup, which then destroyed ecosystems, people butterflies, etc - en...more

Peter Koenig on source, money and consciousness

...just about every aspect of life that you can imagine. So if you want to develop yourself in all the other fields like nutrition and health and you do meditation and yoga and God knows what, but you stay fixed with your relationship to money and think that that's got nothing to do with your spirituality and so...more