Aaron Dignan on being complexity conscious and people positive
...ly trustworthy and good and motivated and wanting to learn and grow, wanting to take responsibility, seeking out opportunities to learn, feeling like mastery, autonomy and purpose are really at the centre of what moves us - as opposed to the kind of other theory which is the determinist behaviourist, we're...more
...es that influence the way you share information? How does that influence the way you structure teams? How does that influence the way you think about mastery and growth? So the goal of the OS Canvas was basically to identify these spaces and now - at least for the edition that we created for the book - we...more
... on design, here's someone that you could go to on coaching, here's someone that you could reach out to because they have this practice and they have mastery in that space. And so it creates leaderships, rather than this, like, well, this person's been here for five years. So they're the leader so I'll ask...more

Amy Edmondson on psychological safety and the future of work
...do a good job — and that means you probably care; maybe you care about the end result, the purpose of it, maybe you care about just your own sense of mastery, but you really feel engaged and motivated by the work and by the goal — and you feel that you wouldn’t be willing to hold back because this is a saf...more