Ed Gonsalves from The Cooplexity Institute on breaking paradigms through play

Ep. 13


Ed Gonsalves has spent more than two decades studying the concept of play and specialises in designing senior executive programmes for high performance teams in entrepreneurial and large organisations. Is it possible to discover new paradigms of working and leading by incorporate unstructured play into our learning experiences? What do carnaval, prisons and nature have to do with self-managing teams? Ed, an associate professor at Toulouse Business School, Barcelona and the co-founder of The Cooplexity Institute, shares what he has learnt.

How to follow Ed:

More resources:

  • 'The Land' (Erin Davis, 2015) – a short documentary film about the nature of play, risk and hazard set in a "adventure” playground in North Wales
  • Contact us for further resources and references about play and organisational learning (Ed being an academic, he has plenty!)